Brightside Benefits
Saddle Returns
Fitting without your horse can be a pain. Luckily, we here are Brightside have been there.
Saddle Returns:
Brightside offers what other's don't - understanding and flexibility! Should you be dissatisfied in any way with a saddle, you have 7 days from the date of purchase to arrange a return with Brightside.
Upon a completed saddle purchase, along with the receipt you will also receive a Saddle Return Notice to the email you provided at checkout. This details the terms and conditions of our return program. If you buy a saddle in-store, we will provide a copy. Please call, email, or Facebook message to arrange returns.
Bit Exchange Program
Have you ever wished that you could try a bit (or two) on your horse prior to making a purchase? Bits aren't one-type-fits-all!
Bit Exchange Program:
Bits from Brightside are exchangeable! Please call, email or message to inquire about exchanging the bit you bought or a return.
Please note, shipping may not be included. Thank you for understanding.
Select Repairs
Caught your mare tearing up another blanket?
Select Small Repairs:
The folks at Brightside are able to complete some sewing and small repairs. If you have purchased the item from Brightside, it will often be at no cost! Please call, email, or Facebook message us to inquire about repairs. At our Tack Shop, we go the extra mile to ensure your equestrian essentials stay in top-notch condition.
Thinking Brightside is the place to be?